If you thought, suits cannot be accessorized and the only thing that goes well with them are shoes, then you're wrong. Suits can be accessorized too with various accessories like cuff links and pocket square. Cuff links are like ornaments for men and are used for securing French button cuffs. Cuff links can be made of different kind of materials like glass, metals, stones etc. The front part of the cuff links are usually well decorated with different designs. Cuff links impart a classy look to the suit wearer. Cuff links are mainly used for shirts and suits that have button holes on both sides but not no buttons.

One of the most popular style of cuff links is the barrel-styled cuff links. In a barrel style cuff links, one end overlaps the other. The other most popular type of cuff link is the double panel cuff link which has got a short post or chain that connects two buttons or discs. The disc that's most decorated is usually larger than the other cuff link. The smaller disc should be small enough to pass through the button holes. StudioSuits provides the classiest variety of suits custom made exclusively for you

Cuff links are worn more for designs than the actual purpose of it. People get custom made cuff links which are often personalized. It's like wearing your own kind of on the sleeves. Cuff links have become smaller in size these days and many men like to keep it simple. Get custom fit suits by StudioSuits and accessorize them with the cuff links of your personalized design and choice!