Basic Men's Grooming Tips

Basic Men's Grooming Tips

Ever wondered why other men look sharper than you? Well, the answer is simple! They follow basic men's grooming tips. Gone are the days when taking extra care of yourself was considered a woman thing. With the rise in male fashion trends, you need to be serious about taking extra care in personal hygiene and skin care practices. 

If you are a man and you’re looking for basic grooming tips for men, then this article is for you. Before we dive right in, we have to understand what male grooming is.

Male Grooming Meaning?

Male Grooming is more than just putting on a nice suit and a pair of fitting shoes. It refers to the way men pay close attention to their bodies by taking good care of themselves. It is also the process of tending to your appearance by using skin care procedures. There are different aspects to consider when it comes to men's grooming but we will focus on these essential steps:

Shave Or Trim That Beard

Beard grooming is important as it removes excess hair that might have been messing with your handsome face. Since your face is the door to your personality, it is essential to always make it presentable. You don’t want to go about looking like Osama bin Laden, especially since you want to pass that job interview.

If you like staying clean-shaven, then you should shave every day. Advancements in science and technology have brought about the invention of electric razors which are highly effective. 

Straight razors also come off as another pretty essential. Their very sharp blades make for easy shaving at skin level. However, it is advisable not to shave against the angle of hair growth to prevent bumps and itching. If you belong to the bearded crew which is the opposite of the clean-shaven guys, then trimming your beard daily is a good grooming tip.

Nail Grooming

You might have seen the way ladies spend time and money on manicure and pedicure products. Well, nail grooming also applies to men. Well-manicured nails look great and also prevent harmful bacteria from getting under them.

You should regularly clip your fingernails and toenails to avoid hangover or ingrown nails. You can do this by using nail clippers or scissors. To properly clip your nails, we recommend the following tips:

  • Soften your nails: Start by either taking a shower or placing the nails in warm water. This helps to soften the nails so you can easily trim them.
  • Use the right tools: a pair of scissors or nail clippers for your toenails are the ideal tools. 
  • Use nail files: To achieve precision when clipping your nails, use a nail file to smoothen the rough edges of your nails. Doing this will ensure you can cut straight across without injuring the flesh under your nails.
  • Use a moisturizer: Dry air and nails are like water and oil - complete opposites. Your nails can easily break or get chipped in certain places because of dry air. Therefore, we recommend using a moisturizer after trimming to ensure the flexibility of your nails.

Visit Your Barber

Getting a good haircut is essential to looking physically presentable. It plays an important role in improving looksmaxing for men. You should get a haircut that matches the shape of your face. To achieve this, a visit to your barber is all you need to get your desired haircut of your choice. They can also advise you on what haircut might be ideal for you.

However, if you are new to a place, you might want to try the salons there. After a few of these visits, you can decide which one to settle for according to their staff quality and customer treatment. Moreover, the frequent visits you take to the barber's shop will improve your grooming game and add style and class to your personality.

Avoid Hot Showers

You read right! Avoid heat! Taking hot showers will end up shrinking your skin and cause dryness. It also causes the strands of your hair to thin and your scalp overproduces oil which damages hair cuticles which in some cases can lead to hair loss. Therefore, engaging in hot baths is a no-no in men's grooming. 

Instead, take more warm showers. Your skin will experience fewer wrinkles. The benefit of warm water is that it brings about fresher and more hydrated skin. Unlike overly hot water, warm showers soothe and relax the muscles of your body. So, after a long day's work, don't hesitate to jump right into a warm bath.

Cleanse your face regularly

What better way to do a men's grooming routine than to apply this simple but efficient procedure? Cleansing is not only for women as men need it as well.  

Apply a good scrub that is suited to your skin twice a day. It will remove dirt grime and other impurities that might have clogged your skin pores.

Introduce Moisturise

Protect your face from UV rays and pollutants like dust by moisturizing. Start your day with a moisturizer suited to your skin type.  Moisturizing helps to keep off aging and leaves your skin feeling supple.

Formulas with energizing properties can help rejuvenate a tired-looking face and keep pores clearer and free of dirt. 

Use moisturizing cream in the morning when you leave and at night before going to bed. It's effective in boosting the renewal of skin cells. Also, learn to be flexible with your routines. Do this by applying water-based mixtures during the summer and creams with heavy layering during the winter.


Achieving a more even skin tone is a recipe for excellent grooming. Toning results in brighter skin. It removes dark scars and deals with aging. The purpose of toning is to get rid of impurities and despite what many people may think, it does not close your pores.


Exfoliating is not left out in this men's grooming guide because it helps in removing blemishes from your skin, leaving pores clearer. This is the process of removing the top layer of the skin. It gets rid of dead cells, revealing the healthy skin beneath.

You can use exfoliants like glycolic acid which is found in sugar cane and more suitable for dry skin. Its ability to penetrate skin pores because of its smaller molecular size rivals the other hydroxy acids.

For oily skin, oil-based exfoliants can come in handy. They can unclog pores and remove excessive grease from your skin. However, exfoliating every day is harsh, so it is advisable you do so once a week.