- Choosing the right fabric If you live in a warm sunny climate like Los Angeles or San Diego, it's much better if you choose for your suit to be made from linen as this will give you a light, cool jacket that is completely appropriate to the climate. If you live in a more temperate climate, Dertoit for example, or Philly, then you'll probably want something a little heavier for greater warmth and robustness. Wool and wool blends are the usual choices for climates with a bit of a chill to them.
- Choosing the right color There are not many situations where pure black or pure white are good suit color choices. There can be exceptions to the rule, but in general they are few and far between. Some things to know are that lighter colors do a better job of reflecting UV light than darker colors, so they're better for hot and sunny environments. There is also the matter of color psychology, and the colors you choose can have important effects. For example,.light colors may convey cleanliness, honesty, and intellect. Dark colors are more associated with traditional values, sensible practices, and power.
- Choosing the right jacket type When it comes to jackets, the main consideration is whether you want a single-breasted or double-breasted style. The latter can help you project power and confidence, which is important to people like bankers or movie producers. A single-breasted jacket is easier to wear and it can make you seem more approachable than the double-breasted suit jacket does.
- Choosing the right lapel type Lapels are a really crucial part of the jacket design. The choices you have are broad/narrow, and peak / notch / shawl / nehru. Peak lapels have triangular points on them that are angled toward the shoulders of the wearer. Notch lapels are shorter, more rounded, and look a bit more business-like and less formal. A wider lapel projects more confidence and more reliability, while narrow lapels project an image of modernity and simplicity.
- Choosing the right venting Suits may be single vented or double vented. Venting is what gives you some freedom of movement. Double venting gives the most flexibility, but usually comes at a slightly higher price.
- Choosing the right accessories The accessories that go with your suit are just as important as the suit itself. You should make sure they are of very high quality. A cheap belt worn with an expensive suit can just look silly. Plus of course all the accessories need to be maintained in good condition, and should be replaced when they start showing too many signs of wear. Choose a watch that is appropriate to the suit style. For example, if you've gone with a traditional looking suit, your watch and other accessories should also be traditional. If your suit choice is a more modern look, then a modern watch helps reinforce that impression.

A Simple Guide To Suit Buying
If you are buying a new suit, you'll be faced with a lot of choices, at least if you're doing it right. Understanding how to choose and buy a suit that is appropriate to your needs can save you money and time, and it will also get you better results.