Pockets are a common feature on suit jackets. Whether you're shopping for a linen suit jacket, a wool suit jacket or an all-cotton suit jacket, it will probably have pockets. While commonly found on suit jackets, though, not all pockets are the same. Suit jackets are often designed with different types of pockets. The location of these pockets can also vary. If you're planning to buy a new suit jacket, you'll need to consider the pockets. Below is an introduction to suit jacket pockets.
How Many Pockets Do Suit Jackets Have?
Most suit jackets have at least four pockets. They have two outer pockets as well as two or more inner pockets. The outer pockets are found on the outside of a suit jacket. You'll find one outer pocket on the front left side of a suit jacket, and you'll find the second outer pocket on the front right side.
Along with two outer pockets, most suit jackets have two or more inner pockets. Inner pockets, of course, are found inside of a suit jacket. You won't be able to see them when inspecting the exterior of a suit jacket. Rather, you'll have to open up the suit jacket to find its inner pockets. The inner pockets are often placed in a similar location as the outer pockets -- meaning they are on the front left and front right sides -- but they are found inside of a suit jacket instead of outside.
Suit Jackets With Sewn-Shut Pockets: What You Should Know
It's important to note that many suit jackets are designed with their pockets sewn shut. They often feature a small piece of thread that runs across the top of each pocket. With the pockets sewn shut, of course, you won't be able to use them. Unless you're familiar with suit jackets and how they are manufactured, you might be wondering why the pockets are sewn shut.
The main reason why suit jackets are designed with their pockets sewn shut is to preserve their shape. Like all garments, suit jackets can streth. As previously mentioned, suit jackets are made of common fabrics like linen, wool and cotton. While soft and comfortable, all of these fabrics can stretch. In fact, something as simple as placing your hands inside of the pockets of a new suit jacket may cause it to stretch.
To protect against stretching, many manufacturers design their suit jacket with the pockets sewn shut. You can still use the pockets; you just need to open them. If you buy a suit jackets with the pockets sewn shut, use a seam ripper to carefully cut the threading at the top of the pockets. Once cut, you'll be able to use the pockets.
Overview of the Different Types of Pockets
There are several different types of pockets used for suit jackets. One of the most common types is the patch pocket. Patch pockets use a simple design consisting of a single piece of fabric that's sewn onto the front. They are generally made of the same fabric as the rest of the suit jacket. If you have a wool suit jacket, the patch pockets will also be made of wool. All patch pockets are characterized by a single piece of fabric that's sewn onto the front of the suit jacket.
In addition to patch pockets, there are jetted flap pockets. Jetted flap pockets are similar to patch pockets, except they are designed with a small and horizontal flap of fabric at the top. Some jetted flap pockets also have a small and horizontal flap of fabric at the bottom as well. The purpose of these jetted flaps is to protect the contents of the pockets from rain. With jetted flap pockets, rain is less likely to enter the pockets.
A third type of suit jacket pockets is standard jetted. Standard jetted pockets are considered the most formal type. They are more formal than patch pockets and jetted flap pockets. As a result, you'll often find them on high-end dinner jackets.

How to Care for Suit Jacket Pockets
Pockets do more than just provide you with a convenient space to store small items; they enhance the aesthetics of your suit jacket as well as the accessories with which you wear it. With that said, you'll need to care for the pockets on your suit jacket. Neglecting to maintain them may result in faster wear and tear. And if your suit jacket has worn or otherwise damaged pockets, you may not be able to wear it. The good news is that you can protect the pockets on your suit jacket from damage in several ways.
You can protect your suit jacket pockets from damage by emptying them. When you aren't wearing your suit jacket, empty the pockets to ensure that there's nothing in them. Why does this matter? Well, assuming you take your suit jacket to get dry cleaned, the pockets need to be emptied. If they contain anything in them, either the pockets themselves or your suit jacket may sustain damage.
If the pockets are sewn shut on your suit jacket, you can cut them open. With that said, it's recommended that use extreme caution to ensure that you don't accidentally damage your suit jacket in the process. The safest way to cut open the pockets is to use a seam ripper. Seam rippers are safer than scissors. Even with a seam ripper, though, you should carefully cut the pockets without damaging the surrounding fabric.
It's a good idea to clean the interior of your suit jackets on a regular basis. Even if they are empty, dust and debris may accumulate inside of them. Over time, this can cause the pockets to develop stains. You can clean the inside of your suit jackets, though, by running a lint roller through them. A lint roller will pick up any dust and debris so that it doesn't stain or otherwise damage your suit jacket pockets.