Dressing for Success: The Importance of a Good Suit
By the time you have finished reading this article, you will know that getting what you want can often be much easier than most people think. Success is easier to obtain if people understand the rules of how personal interactions between people work in the modern world. The most important of these rules is unquestionably how you look plays a key role in the impression you create upon other people, and also how you feel about yourself. It is also an undeniable truth that every man looks better in a suit. This is why lawyers advise their clients to wear a suit when they appear in court. It is why people wear suits when they get married. And it is also why people are usually buried in a suit too. Yes, even when you are dead, you will look better in a suit. Hopefully that is a long way in the future, but one thing you should for yourself right now in the present is to invest in some good quality suits, because an investment in your appearance is an investment in your future success. Of course it is not as simple as just going out and buying a suit. You need to choose the most appropriate style of suit for the environment where you will be wearing it. Wearing the wrong kind of suit will often achieve the opposite result to the one you want, simply making you appear foolish and inadequate. The first step in dressing for success is to seek out a good tailor to make a custom tailored suit for you (Studio Suits does excellent work at very affordable prices, so they are a great choice for anyone in San Francisco seeking custom suits). Make a point of describing to your tailor exactly where and how you will be wearing this suit, because the tailor can give expert advice on all kinds of things that will be very helpful to know. The choice of material, color, and cut are all very important. Lighter colors and fabrics are the best choices for warm climates, while darker and heavier suits are better for colder climates. Mid-to-light toned gray is a good in-between color choice for those who frequently travel. Color choices are also significant from a psychological perspective. Dark colors convey tradition and studiousness, while light colors are associated with honesty and trustworthiness. Primary colors and other bright colors like orange, pink, or lavender should be avoided unless you are a comedian. Wide stripes are also not a good idea. Pin stripes are a reasonable choice if you work in finance, education, or law. The pin-striped look is considered to be the most ultra-conservative and traditional, so it will normally seem out of place on somebody who does not work in one of these professions. It is also important to choose appropriate accessories. For example, you should not wear brown shoes or a brown belt with a dark colored suit, because they will look totally wrong (unless the suit itself is brown). By heeding the advice given above, you will have a better chance of success in your clothing choices, and this will usually translate to greater success in life.