Button holes on Custom-made Suits Custom made suits are not just about the design of your choice but also about how fine are the details of the suits. These details include lapel rolls, seams and...
Lapel Rolls The term lapel rolling indicates a lapel finish that’s softer. It defines the way the lapel falls down to the designated button. A good lapel rolling makes a suit look...
Suit Construction The suit that you wear may look like just a fine piece of clothing, but did you know there is so much more than just what you see? The wearer...
Looking smart with Linen Who doesn't want to look perfect even during the tiring summer? Linen suits are what you need. StudioSuits offers perspiration-free linen suits that look classy and cool. Even on humid...
The perfect destination wedding suits for the perfect bridegroom The bride walks down the sand, the gentle sea breeze and the groom waiting for her at the altar. The sun setting behind at the horizon as the background is...
Accessorize Right to catch the women’s sight! Women’s fashion gets all the attention when it comes to accessorizing. But women like men who accessorize and have fashion sense too. Custom shirts, socks, jackets, hats, bags, watches, ties,...